MJF Health was pleased to be able to support two paediatric health professionals to attend the Leadership for Learning Health Systems in the Indo Pacific course from the 4th to the 17th of November, 2023.
The course is run periodically by the Melbourne University Paediatric Department / Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne and is an exciting opportunity for paediatric professionals throughout Asia Pacific to grow professionally in one of three streams: Education, Leadership and Research. Led by Associate Professor Amy Gray (Consultant Paediatrician at RCH, Deputy Head of Dept of Paediatrics, Director of Education Hub) the program was a fantastic learning experience for all involved.
The two selected delegates were Dr. Orelly Thyna, Senior Paediatrician at Vila Central Hospital (VCH), and Rekina Joshua, Senior Paediatric Nurse at VCH. The delegates were selected in partnership with the Vanuatu Ministry of Health to attend the course.
MJF is committed to supporting the health professionals of Vanuatu in a flexible and responsive way that addresses their identified needs. We were asked to provide professional development opportunities as a sustainable and meaningful way to provide ongoing capacity building support to the extraordinary practitioners that work in Vanuatu under very difficult conditions.
We are planning to expand our health professional support over the next few years and can’t wait to see what will unfold in this space! We can’t do the work we do without the support of our incredible donors, so please consider supporting us!
Pictured L-R: MJF representative Libby Jewson, Dr. Orelly Thyna and Nurse Rekina Joshua in Melbourne.