Everyone has the right to access quality health and education.
The Melanie Jewson Foundation is dedicated to advancing health and education in Vanuatu.
Established in 2012 following Melanie’s tragic passing, we continue the work she began as a passionate teenager with a needs-driven, partnership-based approach that is both respectful and ethical.
Currently supporting Vila Central Hospital and selected schools, the Melanie Jewson Foundation strives for a stable, sustainable and prosperous Vanuatu.
We can always do more.
There is great need in Vanuatu.
One of Australia’s closest neighbours, the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu faces severe structural impediments to continued sustainable development.
To reach its future development goals, access to quality health and education in Vanuatu is of paramount importance.
Making a difference.
The Melanie Jewson Foundation continues the work Melanie began as a passionate teenager with a needs-driven, partnership-based approach that is both respectful and ethical.
Vanuatu’s health system is resource-poor and stretched to its limits. The MJF collaborates with Vila Central Hospital and the Ministry of Health to provide high-quality equipment, education and training.
In the last two years we have donated $50,000 worth of medical supplies.
In the last two years we have donated 6,200 brand new books.

Port Vila, Efate
Vila East Primary School
Lolowai, Ambae
Espiritu Santo
Projects across the archipelago.
In our ten years of operation, the MJF has expanded out from Vanuatu’s capital Port Vila, with projects now based across four islands.
With your help, we can continue to give a helping hand from one end of the country to the other.

Republic of Vanuatu

Together we can do more. Donate today.
We’re a volunteer-run not-for-profit that relies on support from people like you.
If everyone reading this gives $10 per month (just a couple of coffees), the MJF will continue to thrive well into the future.
Please help us keep advancing health and education in Vanuatu.
Ethical, needs-based donation.
According to the World Health Organisation, as little as 40% of equipment donated to developing countries ends up being used.
Our success rate is close to 100%.
We attribute this to our respectful and long-lasting relationship with the people in Vanuatu and our approach to ethical donation.
The MJF. Working —
Ethical, needs-based donation.
According to the World Health Organisation, as little as 40% of equipment donated to developing countries ends up being used.
Our success rate is close to 100%.
We attribute this to our respectful and long-lasting relationship with the people in Vanuatu and our approach to ethical donation.
The MJF. Working —
Recent News.
Numeracy kits distributed far and wide
23 brand-new numeracy kits donated by MJF recently found homes in schools throughout Vanuatu, as part of Vanuatu’s Ministry of Education & Training’s gradual replacement of cyclone destroyed resources.
Getting dirty for a good cause
Senior students from St John’s Lutheran School, Portland once again donated $2,000 after collecting, bagging and selling sheep manure from under a shearing shed near Portland.
Professional development for Vanuatu health workers
In an exciting and new kind of project for the foundation, last year we supported the professional development of two Ni-Vanuatu health workers by sponsoring their attendance at a two week long course in Melbourne.
Meet our valued partners.
From donated goods or services to regular financial support, our partners enable the work of the MJF in a myriad of ways.