‘The Way’ Fundraiser a Huge Success!

14 May 2012
Thank you to all the people who bought tickets for the screening. Over $8,000 raised!
in NEWS: Foundation

Over 400 people attended our fundraiser to watch ‘The Way’ movie at Village cinemas in Geelong on April 29. The movie was very well received by the movie goers and everyone enjoyed the day immensely. We were able to raise over $8,000.00 for the Foundation thanks to the work of Deb and Jan selling tickets, and also to Village and Umbrella Entertainment for their generous offer to screen the movie free of charge.

Thank you to all the people who bought tickets for the screening.

Further information regarding the purchase of items for the hospital will be forthcoming as soon as they are finalised. There are some exciting partnerships being discussed at the moment.


Numeracy kits distributed far and wide

Numeracy kits distributed far and wide

23 brand-new numeracy kits donated by MJF recently found homes in schools throughout Vanuatu, as part of Vanuatu’s Ministry of Education & Training’s gradual replacement of cyclone destroyed resources.

Getting dirty for a good cause

Getting dirty for a good cause

Senior students from St John’s Lutheran School, Portland once again donated $2,000 after collecting, bagging and selling sheep manure from under a shearing shed near Portland.

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Numeracy kits distributed far and wide

Numeracy kits distributed far and wide

23 brand-new numeracy kits donated by MJF recently found homes in schools throughout Vanuatu, as part of Vanuatu’s Ministry of Education & Training’s gradual replacement of cyclone destroyed resources.

Getting dirty for a good cause

Getting dirty for a good cause

Senior students from St John’s Lutheran School, Portland once again donated $2,000 after collecting, bagging and selling sheep manure from under a shearing shed near Portland.
